1. Mobile Apps: On a basic level, there are two types of mobile apps for events: a web-based program that might be accessed through an Internet-enabled phone, iPod or tablet, or downloadable software that runs natively on a specific device.
Two categories of mobile apps that are relevant to meetings:
- Meetings management apps: Often free and provide planners the ability to tap into web-based meeting platforms from their mobile devices while on-site or in transit.
- Meeting apps for attendees: Usually free, these event-specific apps can be downloaded by attendees. May include all of the speakers, scheduling, seminars, keynote and attendee information, exhibit floor maps and/or everything from social-media platform links to attendee messaging or local restaurant listings.
2. Social Media for Events: Social media facilitates interaction, networking, and a dialog among participants -- goals not unlike those of many meetings.
3. Virtual/Hybrid Events: from basic (and free) streaming options through full virtual show platforms and professional video production houses.
For more, visit: M&C January 2011 issue.